Sunday, July 24, 2011

"A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest" - Irish Proverb

I am a big fan of quotes and proverbs so I thought why not start to incorporate them in my blog (Thus the title of this blog : )!

 I chose this Irsh proverb because it's so fitting for Lindsay and Gavin! This boy LOVES his Mama! He's a typical 4 year old boy who gives her a hard time from time to time but really what child doesn't give their parents a hard time!

 I enjoyed our time at Innis Woods Park together. Lindsay and I let Gavin lead us around the park so he could explore while I took photos. It was so fun...everything about this session was like looking through the eyes of a 4 year old as he would stop and ask questions about everything we saw...I loved it!

Lindsay looked beautiful and I loved the shoes so much I had to take a picture! You would never guess Lindsay is a small town girl....she looks more like she stepped straight out of "Sex in the City"!

By the time we left the park it was probably 90 degress but somehow Lindsay and Gavin still looked great and put together while I looked like I had just stepped out of the shower. Despite the heat I had so much fun exploring with them today! Thanks Lindsay and Gavin!!!

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